Evacuation of the Disabled

General Information on emergency procedures can be found on the Crisis Procedures page.

Emergency Evacuation Assistance (Persons with Disabilities)

Persons with disabilities (and others whose movement may be impaired, e.g. broken leg, etc.) should pre-arrange with someone in their immediate area to assist them, e.g. classmate or instructor. In the event that person is not present, anyone in the immediate area should:

  1. Ensure the person with a disability is directed or assisted to a safe area, evacuation point, stairwell or another building. Consult the person about their specific limitation and the best way to provide assistance.
  2. Emergency personnel should be informed of the location of the person needing assistance.
  3. Evacu-Trac chairs are available in multiple level buildings. Their locations are discussed further in this page. These manual evacuation chairs should be used when the person can effectively transfer into the chair and other person(s) are available to maneuver the chair downstairs. The Evacu-Trac should only be used if conditions warrant inability to wait for emergency personnel to arrive/assist.

Evacu-Trac Locations

An Evacu-Trac is used to transport persons who are unable to walk (e.g. using a wheelchair) down the stairs in cases where evacuation is called for. Evacu-Trac locations are listed and illustrated on the map. In each case the Evacu-Trac is located on the wall in a box or leaning up against the wall.

  1. BE 2nd floor just inside the BE 200 faculty office cluster.
  2. GM 2nd floor: At the West/Far end of the hallway by the window, stairs, and restrooms.
  3. GM 3rd floor: Just outside the GM 300 faculty office cluster.
  4. LA 2nd floor: Across the hall from the LA 200 faculty office cluster.
  5. LA 3rd floor: Across the hall from the LA 300 faculty office cluster.
  6. SC 3rd floor the first right hallway inside the SC 314 Information Systems office cluster.
  7. TI 2nd floor leaning against wall inside the exit-only door of the TI 214 faculty office cluster (using unlocked office door, turn right, and go down the hall).

evacuation icon Evacu-Tracs are denoted by the pink wheelchair and stairs symbol on the Room Locator.

View more about Evacuation:
Crisis Management Plan PDF