Primary Color Palette
Green and yellow are the primary identifying colors for WCC. While yellow is part of the primary palette, it is to be used mainly as an accent and background color. It should not be used for text on white or light background.
PMS: 349
Print: C:90 / M:12 / Y:95 / K:40
Digital: R:4 / G:106 / B:56
Hex: 046A38
PMS: 116
Print: C:0 / M:12 / Y:100 / K:0
Digital: R:254 / G:203 / B:0
Hex: FECB00
Extended Color Palette
The extended color palette consists of a complimentary set of hues that are chosen to work well together, and with the primary palette, to provide depth and variety to communications. These additional colors should be used with discretion as accent colors in design.
There are no designated colors for individual departments or areas of the college.
Secondary Colors
PMS: 361
Print: C:75 / M:0 / Y:5 / K:40
Digital: R:52 / G:178 / B:51
Hex: 34B233
PMS: 5535
Print: C:90 / M:12 / Y:95 / K:74
Digital: R:0 / G:52 / B:17
Hex: 003411
PMS: Cool Gray 9
Print: C:29 / M:23 / Y:16 / K:51
Digital: R:116 / G:116 / B:47
Hex: 26392F
PMS: 639
Print: C:100 / M:1 / Y:5 / K:5
Digital: R:0 / G:153 / B:204
Hex: 0099CC
PMS: 294
Print: C:100 / M:68 / Y:7 / K:28
Digital: R:0 / G:153 / B:120
Hex: 003478
Accent Colors
PMS: 375
Print: C:47 / M:0 / Y:94 / K:0
Digital: R:146 / G:212 / B:0
Hex: 92D400
PMS: 315
Print: C:100 / M:8 / Y:18 / K:38
Digital: R:0 / G:105 / B:131
Hex: 006983
PMS: 187
Print: C:5 / M:100 / Y:71 / K:22
Digital: R:167 / G:25 / B:48
Hex: A71930
PMS: 152
Print: C:0 / M:62 / Y:100 / K:0
Digital: R:225 / G:112 / B:0
Hex: E17000
PMS: 2617
Print: C:48 / M:100 / Y:0 / K:13
Digital: R:73 / G:14 / B:111
Hex: 490E6F
Marketing welcomes questions about color usage from employees and vendors.