
It is important that you choose a secure password for each of the resources described here. It is equally important that you keep your password(s) in a secure place and frequently change them.

For the security of your account, do not use a password which is also a real word, but instead put some number in it and use a combination of lower and upper case letters.

Do not use the word password as a password.
A better choice would be pA55w0Rd.

Most of your password(s) can consist of any alphanumeric characters, e.g. a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. Note that due to technical considerations, some password systems do not allow special characters, such as @ ^ ( | ; etc.

WCC requires strong passwords for all systems. They must be unique, include lower and uppercase alpha characters, numeric characters, and special characters (e.g. %, ?, #, etc). Passwords must not contain real words (e.g. dog, house, Sidney, etc.) and they must be at least 8 characters long. An example of a strong password is C6gKv2WL!



Account/Resource Username Initial password How to Change Password
Banner Account netID random, see MyWCC Login to BannerINB, select “Change Banner Password”, or Login to Banner Client, type GUAPSWD in the Direct Access field. Password must be at least 8 characters, including at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and one number
Blackboard netID your choice Change your password
E-Mail netID your choice Change your password
Student Desktop netID your choice Change your password
Intranet netID your choice Change your password
MyWCC netID your choice Change your password
Oraweb(Faculty) Uses MyWCC Login Uses MyWCC Login See MyWCC
Oraweb (Staff) Uses MyWCC Login Uses MyWCC Login See MyWCC
Personal Website netID your choice Change your password
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