2020 Women’s Council Luncheon
Thursday, October 29, 2020, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WCC Morris Lawrence Building
11 a.m. Registration
11:30 a.m. Program/Lunch
Congratulations 2020 Women’s Council Community Honorees

Marsha Chamberlain
Community Leader and Volunteer

Dr. Eva Feldman
Russel N. DeJong Professor of Neurology, U-M

Joetta Mial, Ph.D.
Former Principal of Huron High School
Event sponsorship and invitation information will be available soon,
check back next month for details.
In 1996, women helping women was the inspiration for Kathy Wright, a member of the WCC Foundation Board at the time, to establish the Washtenaw Community College Foundation Women’s Council. Her intent was to bring together women from the community to address some of the barriers experienced by female students.
The mission of the Women’s Council is to endow scholarships for women based on leadership and academic excellence, build a mentoring program, and provide services and resources that support the women of Washtenaw Community College. The annual Women’s Council luncheon raises money to support this mission by honoring women who have made significant contributions to the Washtenaw County community.
To ensure the goals of their mission are met, the WCC Foundation Women’s Council has held, since 1997, an annual luncheon, raising $650,000 to date to support the following areas. If you would like to know more about the Women’s Council, support its efforts or become involved, contact Tina Kashat Casoli, Director of Major Gifts & Development, at [email protected] or 734-973-3663.
Established with the funds from the very first 1997 Women’s Council Luncheon, offers a scholarship to female WCC students with proven leadership and focused educational paths. One of the students receiving this scholarship speaks at the annual May luncheon.
The Student Resource Center (SRC) provides comprehensive case management services including academic advising, career advising, financial and educational planning, grant funding for childcare, tuition, books and transportation, and community resource connections primarily for special populations. The SRC serves all students at Washtenaw Community College, but is especially sensitive to the needs of special populations which are defined as single parents, displaced homemakers, economically disadvantaged students and gender equity.
Quality childcare is one of the most significant barriers to the pursuit of post-secondary education for poor working families (poor single mothers). The SRC was able to provide $25,282.00 to 57 recipients. 93% of them were able to continue on to their next semester.
The WCC Mentoring for Success Program developed through the Student Resource Center has been recognized as a best practices model for success in mentoring.
Peer to Peer Mentoring for incoming nursing students to help them navigate the barriers and successfully complete the program.
Professional Mentoring program is a collaboration of the SRC and professionals from various occupations in the community connecting with students through a mentoring event and activities each year. This allows for sharing of first-hand knowledge, direct questions and networking options.
Women’s Council Members
Meredith Miller, Chair
Carol Welsch, Vice Chair
Arlene Barnes
Alison Bailey
Frances Beckley
Stefani Carter
Gloria Edwards
Sara Figueroa
Lynette Findley
Tiffany Ford
Ann Furtwangler
Earnee Gilling
Debbie Green
Mary Kerr
Freddi Kilburn
Marlanna Landeros
Shari Martuscelli
Ayanna McConnell
Alicia McGovern
Mia Milton
Molly Motherwell
Cheryl Patton
Anne Preston
Jenn Queen Cornell
Amy Ramirez-Gay
Danielle Rodgers
Lisa Stanton
Kia Sweeney
Eileen Thacker
Emily Twanmo