Timely Warning

In the event that a situation arises that involves or potentially involves a crime listed under the Clery Act and occurs or is believed to have occurred within a geographic area covered by the Clery Act and in the judgment of the President of the College, members of the WCC Crisis Management Team, or Public Safety staff, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a timely warning will be issued. Decisions to make timely warnings will be made on a case-by-case basis in light of all the facts surrounding a crime or other reported situation. A timely warning will be issued to relevant members of the campus community through the notification method deemed the most effective, which may include but is not limited to; the WCC Alert – Emergency Notification System, email, text message, social media, internal TV monitors, phone call, web site notice, through the building notification system, and/or from a combination of these and other communication methods.

It is the priority of Washtenaw Community College to promptly alert the College community of potentially dangerous situations so that they have both the time and information to take appropriate precautions (for example; evacuation, shelter, or other action on the part of the campus community).

Members of the WCC Crisis Management Team are:

  • President
  • EVP Student & Academic Services
  • EVP & Chief Financial Officer
  • VP for Instruction
  • VP Human Resource Management
  • VP Economic, Community & College Development
  • General Counsel
  • AVP Marketing and Communications
  • AVP College Advancement
  • AVP Facilities Development & Operations
  • Chief, Public Safety
  • Deputy Chief, Public Safety
  • Dean, Economic and Community Development
  • Director, Media Relations
  • Communications Manager
  • Director, Systems Administration
  • Assistant Dean of WTMC
  • Dean of Students
  • Director, President & Board Affairs

Authorized Public Safety staff are:

  • Chief of Public Safety and Emergency Management
  • Deputy Chief, Public Safety
  • Public Safety Supervisors
  • Public Safety Dispatchers operating under the direction of the Chief of Public Safety and Emergency Management or Supervisors