WCC Foundation raises over $100K for WCC students

Published on Mar 31, 2015 4:30 p.m.

On The Record

The 29th annual Mardi Gras fundraiser for the Washtenaw Community College Foundation was another smashing success, raising $111,000 in support of WCC students.

Over 300 people attended the event, which was organized by Board member Tom Lamb and Michelle McClintock as well as Board member Katherine Farrell and Damian Farrell.

The event’s lead sponsors were Tim and Laurie Wadhams. Top sponsors included Maurice and Stephanie Jones, Issac and Delphine Lockhart, Benjamin and Toni Rodgers, Levi and Maria Thompson as well as David and Lynn Wooten. Sponsoring businesses included J.J.B. Hilliard, Lee Sirvaitis and Robbie O’Brien of W.L. Lyons, LLC.; Power Wellness Management; Rehmann, R.J. Landau Partners, LLC.; Old National Bank and University of Michigan Credit Union.

Entertainment was graciously provided by WCC musical performance instructor John E. Lawrence and WCC music performance alumni John Dulph, Emmanuel Fields, Gwyneth Hayes, Athena Johnson and Pat Middlestat. The band L’USA played after dinner.

“We are thrilled at the success of the Mardi Gras this year, and grateful for all those who participated and enjoyed the warmth of the Bayou on a cold winter night,” said Executive Director of Advancement Julaine LeDuc.

“The funds we raised surpassed those of Mardi Gras during past two years, and will be instrumental in supporting student access, success and innovation at WCC.”

Jason Neal, a December 2014 WCC graduate, was awarded a WCC Foundation scholarship which allowed him to earn two associate degrees. “I will be eternally grateful to the people who donated both their time and money to the fundraisers for the scholarship program,” said Neal. “I know some are alumni and some are just warm-hearted individuals. I am thankful to each and every one of them. College students come from every walk of life, some are better off than others, most need help in one form or another. For me it was finances. I knew as an adult returning to higher education that to have the success in life I wanted, it would require a degree. Thank you for helping me along this path, it will lead to a brighter future for me.”

More photos and a list of donors available online: wccnet.edu/foundation