Start Here, Finish Anywhere.
Starting your collegiate education at Washtenaw Community College then transferring to a 4-year institution is a popular path toward finishing your bachelor’s degree. At WCC, you can complete an associate degree, while saving thousands of dollars on the cost of your first two years of college. Earning your associate degree will provide you with a credential one step closer towards your bachelor’s degree.
Plan Your Transfer
The University Transfer Center is here to help you through the transferring process. There are a few things to consider when deciding where to transfer, such as your overall goals, academic program, transferability of courses, tuition and fees, scholarship and financial aid opportunities, and class sizes. Utilize the Transfer Planning Worksheet to keep track of information on each university and find the institution best fit for you.
The following resources can be very helpful in understanding which classes will and will not transfer.
Did You Know?
WCC students transfer to over thirty different 4-year colleges and universities.
Top Transferring Institutions*
- University of Michigan
- Eastern Michigan University
- Michigan State University
- Wayne State University
- University of Michigan - Dearborn
- Grand Valley State University
- Western Michigan University
- Ferris State University
- University of Michigan - Flint
- Central Michigan University
- Oakland University
*Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI)
Recorded Transfer Webinars
Check out these short videos to learn about admission tips and transfer options available to WCC students desiring to transfer to Concordia University, Eastern Michigan University, Oakland University and Wayne State University.
*These recordings are from April 22, 2021 and the information is subject to change if any of the universities change their policies after this date.
Learn tools and tips to help you transfer successfully.
View this pre-recorded session at your convenience.
MiTransfer Pathways
WCC and other Michigan community colleges worked with Michigan universities to create pathways for students transferring credits from a community college to a 4-year institution.
- Biology MiTransfer Pathway
- Business MiTransfer Pathway
- Criminal Justice MiTransfer Pathway
- Psychology MiTransfer Pathway
Visit the Michigan Transfer Network website for more information.
Articulation Agreements
Articulation Agreements are transfer agreements with specific programs and partnering schools. These agreements show the pathways for seamless transfer.
Transfer Guides
Transfer Guides are available to assist you in the transfer process. They provide a list of courses that meet specific course requirements at the transfer college/university. Please check with your academic advisor and the transfer college/university to determine if there is a guide available for your transfer program.
Michigan Transfer Agreement
The Michigan Transfer Agreement makes it easier to transfer your general education courses earned at WCC to participating 4-year institutions.
Michigan Transfer Network
Visit the Michigan Transfer Network website to see how your credits would transfer to colleges and universities in Michigan.
Scholarship Opportunities
Transfer Scholarships
Many 4-year institutions award scholarships to transfer students who have earned at least thirty transferable credits and with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Transfer scholarships vary so be sure to ask your transfer institution what their requirements are.
Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
The Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship is a highly selective scholarship for community college students that will be transferring to a 4-year institution. This scholarship provides advising and financial support for two to three years for its recipients. WCC is proud to have three alumni be recipients of this prestigious scholarship within the past three years.
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an honor society that provides leadership and service opportunities for students.
There are also numerous scholarship opportunities available to PTK members.
Contact Kelley Holcomb, Transfer & Articulation Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Call: 734-477-8791
Text: 734-219-3079