June 12: Vindolanda Day 1 by Kiersten

I have always been grateful for this opportunity but for the first time since arriving in the U.K, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. Here I am living my dream! My first day on site excavating was everything I dreamed it would be and more. Digging is addicting! The thrill and excitement that rushes through me as I know I am close to excavating something amazing. Even with the chance of not finding something at that moment, you continue to push through knowing that you’re that much closer to a rewarding find. Excavating may be physically demanding to some, yet I enjoyed every waking moment. Bring on the sweat and dirt! I embraced all aspects. Archaeologist like it dirty…. 

At the end of my first day excavating. I went to bed knowing ultimately what the rest of my life would hold. This trip gave me the ability to confirm my calling. If you’re ever faced with the choice of having a similar opportunity, don’t pass it up! Live your dream, if you don’t you will live in regret. People seldom get those opportunities.  

See the world, see yourself!  

June 12: Vindolanda Day 1 by Kiersten

June 12: Vindolanda Day 1 by Kiersten