As a photography student, you have the opportunity to use professional equipment, such as:
- medium format, large format, and digital cameras,
- lighting equipment, and
- image production facilities that represent the highest industry standards.
See the current list of equipment, the classes that use it, and the policy and signature required .
Download the DMA/Photography Equipment Loan Agreement .
Our policies ensure that you have equal access the studios and equipment you need to be successful in your classes.
You must:
- Sign in with your first and last name on the Studio Checkout sheet.
- Set up and tear down your own equipment. If you need instruction for any part of this process, please ask a Faculty Lab Assistant.
- Inform instructor and lab staff if you are shooting messy props (ex. paints or food) as extra time may be required for clean up.
- Keep your personal items and belongings in your studio bay.
- Bring your belongings with you, including checkout equipment, if you leave the lab for any reason.
- Return any equipment you checked out before cleaning up the studio bay.
- Begin cleanup 30 minutes before the end of class or Open Studio.
- Use the equipment and facilities for educational purposes only.
- Wear closed-toe shoes.
Not allowed:
- Nudity.
- Producing “for profit” work of any kind.
- Eating or drinking in the studio. You may eat at the counter under the bulletin board
Equipment checkout
- You must show your current semester checkout card that lists the equipment that has been approved for your use and includes an instructor’s signature. If you lost/forgot/don’t have your checkout card, we can issue you a new one, however, you will need your instructor’s signature before you can checkout equipment.
- Equipment you check out during Open Studio is your sole responsibility.
- Normal wear and tear is expected. To keep the equipment in good working order, bring any problems or concerns you experience to the immediate attention of the lab staff.
- You may be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of equipment at the discretion of the department chair, in consultation with lab staff and your instructor.
Checkout/check in times
We determine equipment checkout/in times each semester based on class schedules and requirements. Equipment availability may vary, as in-class needs for equipment have priority over out-of-class student checkout. Due to high demand and turnover, we do not make exceptions to our policies for equipment checkout and return.
We set our checkout hours in direct relation to the anticipated needs of the classes scheduled to meet in the Photo Lab area. We are unable to facilitate equipment check in or checkout outside of the posted hours.
In the event of a late return:
- 1st late offense – you will receive a warning and your checkout card will be retained in the photo lab. Your card will be returned at the discretion of your instructor.
- 2nd offense – your checkout privileges will be restricted to same day checkout. Your card will be retained in the photo lab and returned at the discretion of the department chair.
- 3rd offense – your checkout privileges are revoked for the remainder of the semester. You may appeal this decision by making an appointment with Dean Hurns.
Equipment FAQ
Q: Can I checkout more than one kind of camera at one time?
A: Yes, you can. However, please remember that there are limited sets of equipment and other students also need to check them out too. Please do not take equipment unless you specifically plan to use it.
Q: Can I checkout 2 lenses at once?
A: No. Unfortunately we don’t have enough resources for this so you can only checkout 1 lens at a time.
Q: If I am in Darkroom Techniques, can I checkout a digital camera?
A: Your instructor may approve you to use digital cameras in this case. The instructor must sign your checkout card to authorize your use of this equipment.
Q: Can I reserve a camera or studio bay by phone?
A: No. We have a strictly first come, first served policy.
Q: If I am checking out a camera for a week, can I also checkout camera accessories for the week? (ie. light meters, other peripheral equipment)
A: Yes, when equipment is checkout, it is considered a set of equipment. Therefore, all items will be due at the same time.
Q: Can I re-checkout my camera when I come to return it?
A: No. We have a 24 wait period for equipment re-rental. In some instances, our Faculty Lab Assistant may allow immediate re-rental, but it is a case-by-case basis.
Q: Can I checkout a camera the same day I have class and keep it over the weekend?
A: No. Unfortunately we don’t have enough resources to allow for this.
Q: Can someone else return my equipment for me?
A: No. It is our policy that the person checking out the equipment must also return it.
Q: Is checkout equipment considered late if I forget only one part of a full set? (ie: sd/CF card, tripod plate, meter)
A: Yes, it’s considered late if any piece is missing. All checked out equipment must be returned together by the due date written on the checkout sheet.