Mobile Device Programming (CVCSMD)

Advanced Certificate

This program is being discontinued. Students currently enrolled need to complete it by the end of the Spring/Summer 2022 semester.

If you have questions about this program please contact a program advisor or contact a general student advisor.

This advanced certificate program prepares students to develop applications that run on mobile devices such as an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone. Students will develop programming skills using the current programming language(s) needed to succeed in jobs such as programmer/analyst.

This is a high demand, high skill and high wage program as defined by the Michigan Community College Network.


2018-2019 Academic Requirements

This program prepares students to develop applications that run on mobile devices such as an IPhone, Ipad or Android phone. This is a rapidly developing market. Students will develop programming skills using the current programming language(s) need to success in jobs such as programmer/analyst.

An Academic Math Level of 3 or higher may be required to enroll in CPS 161 and above courses.

Business/Computer Technologies
Computer Instruction Dept
Philip Geyer
Khaled Mansour
Sandro Tuccinardi
(Items marked with an icon online icon are available online.)
Major/Area Requirements
Class   Title Minimum Credits
CPS 161   An Introduction to Programming with Java 4
CPS 251   Android Programming Using Java 4
CPS 255   IOS/Apple Programming Fundamentals 4
CPS 256   Advanced IOS/Apple Programming 4
CIS 282 or Database Principles and Application  
CPS 298   Professional Team Programming 3
Total 19
Total Credits Required