Charles E. Schell Assistance Loan

The Charles E. Schell Foundation Educational Assistance Loan was established to aid students in securing an education that may otherwise be unattainable. The loans are interest free and without security.

Loans will be designated to cover or assist with the cost of tuition, fees and books. If awarded, the amount will be based on your request, your enrollment and the availability.

Except in unusual circumstances, repayment of the total amount of the loan should be completed within ten (10) years of the date after which the student leaves Washtenaw Community College.

Students who apply for the Schell Educational Assistance Loan must:

  • Be a citizen of Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia or adjoining states
  • Be between the ages of 18-25
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Agree to discuss a repayment schedule with the Financial Aid Office upon leaving Washtenaw Community College
  • Be loyal to the United States of America, and its institutions including the Army, Navy and Air Force.
  • Be honest, upright and intelligent
  • Sign a promissory note prior to loan funds being disbursed


To apply this scholarship, please fill out the application form online.