CPS 278: Java Server Programming

online available

In this course, students will learn about Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), JSTL, Expression Language, Tag Libraries and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). Students taking this class should have a good knowledge of Java Fundamentals. Some knowledge of simple HTML and SQL is helpful but not mandatory. This course was previously CIS 278.

Level I Prereq: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; CPS 161 minimum grade "B-"

Class offerings by semester

Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Winter 2021 Summer 2021 
  offered at nighttimeoffered online

 Blended classes also available

offered at nighttimeoffered online   

offered in the daytimeDay Class (before 5 p.m. ) offered at nighttimeEvening Class (after 5 p.m. ) offered online Online Class

Class offerings by semester is offered as a planning tool. Please refer to the course schedule to see the specifc time and platform for which the course is offered.

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Check the schedule


Description Hours
Credits  4
Lecture Hours 60
Clinical Hours 0
Lab Hours 0
Other Hours 0
Total Hours 60
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